Interim Ministry Workshop, Tuesday-Thursday March 14–16, 2023, Heritage Christian University, Florence, Alabama

What do you plan to do for the rest of your life? How will you use the wisdom you gained through study and experience as a preacher?

Gail and I have enjoyed interim ministry in ten congregations for fifteen years. We’ve continued to learn and grow. We’ve been encouraged by brethren in all these places. Some of you can offer a great service. I would like to share what I am learning with you. We’ll meet on the campus of Heritage Christian University, 3625 Helton Drive, Florence, Alabama 35630.

Three things to do to take advantage of this opportunity

Mark your calendar for
March 14-16, 2023

To answer any questions,
contact Jerrie Barber
(615) 584–0512

The cost is
1. $300.00 for preachers
2. $150.00 for spouses.

  • There is a minimum and a maximum number of participants:
  • The minimum for the course to be conducted is one.
  • If no one shows up, I won’t talk.
  • The maximum is 20 people. We’ll be doing group sessions.
  • Twenty will be the limit.

The concepts we’ll discuss will be good training for any preacher and his wife. Gail and I had an introductory course in 1996. We went through Interim Ministry Network training in 1998–1999, seven years before I started interim ministry. I took a refresher course in March 2007 before starting interim ministry in May of that year. The training and what I learned helped during those last years of full-time ministry.

Preachers’ wives are encouraged but not required to attend this workshop. Gail and I went for training together.


Tuesday, March 14, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 15, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 16, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

The fee is:
1. $300.00 for preachers.
2. $150.00 for preacher’s wives.

To register: Register for Between Preachers Workshop

We’ll be meeting in the Coil Center at Heritage.

If you would like to stay in the student dorms, the cost of lodging will be $25.00 per night per person. The dorm is set up as a 4-bedroom apartment; therefore, you may be sharing a bathroom with other guests depending on availability and the number of guests requesting housing.  You’ll need to bring your bedding, towels, and toiletries.  There’s also lodging available in our 2 cabins. The cabins have 18 bunk beds each; they would cost $10.00 a night per person. There will be a men’s and a women’s cabin.  Again you’ll need to bring bedding, towels, and toiletries. 

There are many hotels in the area. Hotels near Heritage

We’ll have lunch at Heritage each day. That is included in the fee.


  • The story of our journey to interim ministry.
  • Family Systems, the framework of working with groups.
  • The work of the interim preacher is to guide and coach a process.
  • Contracts, opportunity to clarify expectations — objections to written contracts.
  • Compensation for an interim.
  • Making contacts, getting the word out that you’re available for interim ministry.
  • Rules.
  • Initial Family Meeting.
  • Projects.
  • Preaching during the interim.
  • The interim’s wife — discussion, Q & A with Gail.
  • The Search — training those who will be searching for the new preacher.
  • The Preacher.
  • When you don’t need an interim.
  • Conflict management. 
  • The Search Page

Three things to do to take advantage of this opportunity

Mark your calendar for
March 14-16, 2023

To answer any questions,
contact Jerrie Barber
(615) 584–0512

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Jerrie Barber
Servant of Jesus, husband to Gail, father to Jerrie Wayne Barber, II and Christi Parsons, grandfather, great-grandfather, Interim Preacher, Shepherd coach, Ventriloquist, barefoot runner, ride a cruiser bicycle

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