Shady Acres — The First New Shepherds Orientation Workshop in an Interim Church

We met at the Drury Inn in Sikeston, Missouri December 8-10 for the 9th New Shepherds Orientation Workshop. In other workshops, I came to a church knowing little about them except email correspondence. I have been with Shady Acres nine months. We are beginning to get acquainted.

We knew each other well enough to discuss specific applications of principles to this congregation.

Elders, wives, and ministers who participated in the twelve-hour workshop were: Nathan and Chelsea Foster, Patrick Hogan, Steve and Katy Howell, Lewis and Carolyn Lineberry, James and Jeanie Price, Steve and Sandy Turnbow, Jerrie and Gail Barber.

Each workshop is different. This group had heard many of my stories. We added new modules this weekend which will continue in future meetings.

Breakout sessions continue to be popular with the groups.


Some of the topics the groups discussed were:

  • What is a disappointment or time of pain you’ve experienced in your leadership and how have you handled this?
  • If the other person(s) were here, how would they tell their side?
  • What have you learned from this?
  • What are some changes and challenges you have encountered since your husband became an elder or preacher?
[bctt tweet=”One of the things that continues to impress me is the stress that comes to elders’ wives when their husbands are ordained and begin their service.” username=””]

I’ve been asked why wives are invited to take part in a shepherds workshop. Here’s my answer.

Many (I) think 1 Timothy 3:11 refers to elders’ wives as well as deacons’ wives. As with elders’ qualities, we’re all works in progress. We talk about roles, responses to criticism to them and their husbands, and how to grow in the opportunity they’ve been given.

My observations about wives being in the workshop:

  • A man can be an ineffective elder with or without a good wife.
  • A man cannot be an effective elder without a sympathetic, supporting, and effective elder’s wife.
  • Thank you for being here.
[bctt tweet=”A man cannot be an effective elder without a sympathetic, supporting, and effective elder’s wife.” username=””]

Sunday morning, as in all recent New Shepherds Orientation Workshops, I speak to a combined Sunday morning Bible class on Leadership and Grace: Leadership is a Gift—Not a Grind.

At worship time, I discuss, What Do You Talk About at Your Last Elders’ Meeting? from Acts 20. The men share a “mustard seed” they found in the workshop.

I have three workshops scheduled in the Spring.

As of today, I have openings in 2018 for one workshop in October and another in November. For questions, send me an email at or give me a call at (615) 584-0512.

What suggestions or questions do you have about leadership training?


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Jerrie Barber
Servant of Jesus, husband to Gail, father to Jerrie Wayne Barber, II and Christi Parsons, grandfather, great-grandfather, Interim Preacher, Shepherd coach, Ventriloquist, barefoot runner, ride a cruiser bicycle

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