Scheduling a New Shepherds Orientation Workshop


Would you like improve your effectiveness, realize more satisfaction in your work as a shepherd, and bless the flock you oversee? Click here for more information: New Shepherds Orientation Workshop


Discuss with fellow shepherds, ministers on staff, and spouses about the weekend of training, and discuss possible dates.


Contact Jerrie Barber for details and select a date for your workshop


Phone: (615) 584-0512

Learning, training, and growing as a shepherd brings:

  • Joy as people follow you as you follow Jesus. 1 Corinthians 11:1; Hebrews 13:17
  • Respect because you have worked hard, you have encouraged, you have admonished, and the people are at peace because you have been willing to endure the pain that brings peace with God, yourself, and others. 1 Thessalonians 5:12, 13
  • At your graduation, you will receive a crown of glory given by the Chief Shepherd. 1 Peter 5:1-4

Contact Jerrie for more information, cell: (615) 584-0512     



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Four Viruses that Feed Conflict

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Book of the Quarter — Corrupt Communication: Myths That Target Church Leaders

Corrupt Communication: Myths That Target Church Leaders, by Bill Bagents and Laura S. Bagents, Copyright © 2022 by Bill Bagents...

Who Selects Elders?

A question I received: Tell me what you think about this statement: “Elders appointing an additional elder or more, without...

Third New Shepherds Orientation Workshop at Fairlane

Fairlane Church of Christ in Shelbyville, Tennessee, participated in its third New Shepherds Orientation Workshop from August 9 to 11....

Book of the Quarter — 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

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Suggestions for Elders’ Meetings

I recently received a request from an elder for suggestions for improving elders’ meetings. Here’s my reply: Here are thoughts...

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