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You can expect a blog post on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. On months that have a 5th Tuesday, I’ll post a book I’ve read and at least one good idea that justified the time I spent reading the book.

If this is helpful, please recommend the blog to a friend.

Here are some of my most-read posts:

Do You Know of a Sound Congregation?

When Your Preacher Becomes THE Pastor

Where Does a Person Go After Suicide?

3 Questions for Threats of Suicide

If You Appoint a New Elder, I’ll Quit!

Trade Your Preacher in for a Better One!

Elder Appreciation Parties — Why? and How?

How Can Elders Function More as Shepherds Than as Firefighters?

The Best Day to Fire Your Preacher

3 Ways I Helped Get Myself Fired

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